
Friday, August 5, 2011

Something New!

It's time for me to try something new!
I really enjoy doing all kinds of crafts but seem to
never make time to do them. So I figure if I start blogging
     about them I might enjoy it and I could also get ideas and imput  from all of you on more crafts I can do or how to do them better! I have made a few baby blankets recently that I really enjoyed making!

                                                           This is a baby blanket I recently made for my cousin.  I have not sent it to her yet I need to fix a few things on it because I am still learning how to sew and my sewing machine does not have a foot on it so I have had some struggle.  The rag blankets are fun to make!

This was the first blanket I made for my daughter.  It took me a while because the pattern was unique and had alot of detail.  Cutting the animal shapes out was the hardest part but very fun for the blanket.  I had a friend help me with this one she made one as well. 


     I had so much fun making the circus blanket for my daughter so I made another one for one of my nephews and desided to make a train instead of a circus!  It was fun and it did not turn out to bad for a sewing machine without a foot.  I know I know I need to get one but everytime I am at the store I forget. Maybe for the next one.  I have many nieces and nephews to make blankets for.

I hope to be able to start making more new and exciting things to keep me busy!  I am in process of making matching aprens for my daughter and I. Also I want to start scrapbooking again!  I hope to have some new posts soon!!

1 comment:

  1. wow i should never make a post at 1:35 am ever again so many misspelled words and I did green font on a green back ground ugh well now I know for next time ha ha sorry guys!

